How do you approach a girl

You see a few girls to sit, stand or walk slowly. You like one or a few of them in the group. You want to come near them. How to easily and without shame do? 
Watch them a second or two. See if you are in a fiery interview or sit and occasionally speak a few words. If you are a bit of a discussion likely to be just then want to get acquainted with the matter whom and with you a little. All people (yes, and women) have their own private time, life, themes and moods. Many things are kept in their society and no one outside the tight circle. For this reason, this conversation is not the smartest thing to interrupt.

It is easy to talk with those who want to talk.
How to know if the girls for a conversation? How to know if you are for socializing, whether it came out to meet with someone that night? See that you have come here to give them someone approached. This is indicated by one simple fact: 
If you look around and seem to be a bit bored then you're very likely to want to talk to men. Time you get in the action. How to do it? We all know when someone's watching us, sooner or later. This means that you will notice if watching. Look at her, eyes will meet. When you watch necessarily keep your eyes and wait for her to calm down first glance - this is VERY important. Be smiling.

You'll notice that it is something a friend commented. Most likely she will look. I look deep into her eyes. This is very important because it will soon tell her friend what she thinks about you. Make sure that her friend is said to be in your favor. When I first looked at the girl again in the eyes mean to call you to come to her. We all know that "pity" to refuse a good offer;) If it is not turned back or agreed strange face may be easier to go talk to another person. If you're there to practice starting, then you and it does not matter how I was and did he again looked at the charge!

How many times it is best to look at the girl before approaching 
It is very important that your eyes met a few times. 
If you catch her eye too many times, and you're still not come near, she begins to wonder what is looking. Asks whether you want to physically hurt! This is a women's subconscious reactions and chances are that after a long period of your observing it began to be afraid. Soon envisioned his paranoia and conclude that you're some kind of maniac. I do not know fully why everything happens just like that, but I know that my friends come too often when someone comes to them too many looks at the disco. Me almost all these guys seemed normal. They are not. The girls are too easy to give scare in this way. Excess of view is something that all men happened and a standard rookie mistake. This has nothing to do with who you are, but only with what you did. Do not take this personally for her reaction. If you notice that you're tripping girl moved as far away from it and do it over any more to watch. The aim is to establish a positive, exciting, entertaining touch with her. 
If you really want to scaring women training bathrobe and go to a nearby park as everybody else maniacs: P
What is going on with her now after these few views? If it is even remotely interested, she starts "flashing" and the slightly positive and excited and nervous. It's a good situation for her and for you. When she is in this state have beautiful looks to succeed. Now is the time to walk up to her. You approach her ​​slowly and calmly. Something gonna talk to her and be smiling all the time. Depending on how calm and how she's still excited you will have a successful interview. About how to talk, to talk about I will write elsewhere. Take the information from it and go on with your evening. If you judge the situation and to stay on the company.

Another variant of this approach is a little more interesting. It ran into a girl who was a little more ready for action. 
If so she will approach you. This approach may be such that the whole of its society alter the location on which it stands. Then she will have a good look at you. It will then wait. Yes, this is for girls "access" in some form. Why? So she made ​​a deliberate move to be facing you. They'll be waiting for you and your courage to walk up and be at least a normal bar. Anxiety is your worst enemy in this situation. The men were talking with the girls rarely even remotely normal and calm try anything stupid just to impress. Normality has become so rare that it is very much appreciated. Especially by really pretty girls in whose society all nervous and even other girls !!!

The third variant is a more daring with the feminine side and it happens rarely, but it is really happening. In it, a girl approached so close to you that you are touching the body. You'd think the crowd and leaned on you by accident. Did not crowded nor coincidence !!! She also started with. Start may be an easy touch thigh to thigh, may be her butt with your body or her breasts resting on you. As she herself led to this position continued to evening easily guessed.

Evening is always fun 
This is easy access / start because now you see how it is interested in whether and looked the other way and whether it maintained its view for the first time or what is done after your viewing. Is not this time start to succeed, it is generally irrelevant. Why? The most important is to develop your courage to the mixture to walk up the next time the girl who breaks off appearance. Is not it (in my head) a person who would be of interest to you is another question. You'll know if you're brave enough to walk up. 
Understand each approach as an exercise, experiment, and comes to be kidding me, well spend the time and always

Be a man
**** Please note that this female contacts DECISION !!! For any contact you have to have a license !!! PERMISSION FROM HER. (no, not counting the votes in the head, visions and voice your late neighbor Bill ... if you hear the voices call in an appropriate institution). WOMEN'S ALWAYS A PERMIT MUST BE RECEIVED. IF WOMEN EVER SAYS NO TO MEANS STOP - ALWAYS !!!.