This text is devoted to woman's madness, the things about which to write a song and which intersect the vein.
Women are unpredictable, mysterious women, women ... whatever ....Here I will explain some things that girls do and that men are often not logical. Actually the genius hiding behind women as a whole.
Women are unpredictable, mysterious women, women ... whatever ....Here I will explain some things that girls do and that men are often not logical. Actually the genius hiding behind women as a whole.
Men when they see a beautiful girl automatically assume that it is smart, has a nice voice, he can walk, that is elegant, it did not address''the strange activities'', that is tame and all all all the other positive things. It is of course if they succeed in these moments to even think.
Why are women required to pay her a drink?
The first scenario: You went out to a cafe, I met a female. Talk a little and she asks you to buy her a drink. You do that in. .. what happens after that? He is happily in love with you? Wellll .. not really ... usually she looks you with mild disappointment. You do not get why you watch so and do not understand why he went 3-4 minutes later. Is it only wanted to pay her a drink? Do you only want to gratitude? In 90% of cases did not!
Another scenario: You've met a woman and she is asking for, for example, test your eye / view your purse. Give her (of course, sunglasses 8) and the same reaction ...
Third scenario: The Search for you to do it no matter what kind of thing that she can herself or worse for which you would probably have to pay to do it. You agreed to it to do. Her reaction? Hmmm still the same? Strange? Why is it so reacted when she wanted her to do it end up?
Another scenario: You've met a woman and she is asking for, for example, test your eye / view your purse. Give her (of course, sunglasses 8) and the same reaction ...
Third scenario: The Search for you to do it no matter what kind of thing that she can herself or worse for which you would probably have to pay to do it. You agreed to it to do. Her reaction? Hmmm still the same? Strange? Why is it so reacted when she wanted her to do it end up?
The only current mysteries are: aliens, pyramids, crop circles, who performed the privatization in Slovakia, and those not reported 500 million Chinese people who dig tunnels ... and where Jesus' hands?
Why the girl left after you pay her a drink?If you are not so far realized what was happening to all the band in another 250 instances (whatever the Joke: D). The point is this: When the girl's appeal to the young man then she begins to examine how it to her 'slave'. If she wants to 'slave' to her, then they should not. Why? Because it is such persons do not attract. The slaves have all they want, and her lover is hard to find.
How to behave in society girls.The fourth scenario (not at all true):I rode the bike at the gym and watched the blonde to take a CD from the guy who has 120 pounds of muscle.
She: Have you brought me the music?
He: That's right, here I'm going to bring you.Brings her CD.
She asks:'Is Now we want to carry away the CD to ...?'What will he:'Yes of course you want, where you want me to I take, here I go ...'
He pronounced it all humility, 3 times thinner than my normal voice. I attended a rare situation? Paaaa ... not exactly, 99% of men in the gym is so related to it. All the same, all šonjasto. You think he has any chance with her? The irony of this situation is that it's not about a mom's son, it was a mentally strong enough to respect the person, the problem is they did not control yourself in that situation.How to increase your chances of girls?What he could do in that situation? Since it was to behave so as not to fall for this 'slavery' test?Instead she brought the CD without question and yet it took him to the locker room could have been:
To twist the tail, that it demands to 'bring three tons of coal "as a favor.That it requires 3 CDs for that one.To request that he recite the alphabet backwards.That it seeks to do for him no matter what kind of stupid and useless thing.Is it fun telling jokes.Him sing at least one song from the CD.........million of other nonsense, of course ALL jokingly.
So it attracted. So he wanted.Sad to see a bit what has happened here? By the boyish behaved he ruined all his chances that he had with it (if it ever had). It was probably used to so far that men will do anything for her. She did not unusual, is more accustomed to the boyish men when talking to her. The same men who are so strong in all other situations.
What women mean the phrase 'I do not know'?
Honestly, I did it strange that he just dropped childish. Why? So maybe I expected more from him ... I think that she or at least hoped for ... 'It's a shame what-not-know' is probably thought to himself. He probably thought he was 'the same as you all the other' and sort it with all other who do not know in the same category. Otherwise it wanted, otherwise it would have been intrigued by what is different. Otherwise, the two of them were little more than weaklings and princesses.I would not be 'sion obtained' when promolim nose next time in the gym (because of this imaginary and false, for example), it is better to finish the little story here (he he).
No I have not thought of this kind of female domination just thought, though ...What does it mean when the girl mentioned her panties?Why do women do? Why demand that men do stupid things? Why mention the sex talk not to wear shorts or bra or mention of your dildo, sex or insemination or something of that kind? It's simple. Waiting for your response. Look to see what you do. Are you going to get confused. How you experienced. Are you going to hop on one leg if she asks? The irony of the situation is that women want and hope with all my heart to find someone, find a 'real man' who will respond correctly. They dream about him. Dream of a true man.
All this is of course if you are not in a sexual situation in which she screams as her same bother ...
How do you girls do not go in the middle of the conversation?Keeping Guard is perhaps the best term for what the man has to work. Why? The moment when a fighter drops his guard comes unexpected blow. Arrives safely and in just his weak point. And it will hurt.When you talk to a girl it will hurt something else and this is her first look of disappointment, and then will drop your morale - because it is''from a''left his whim. You might get her friend to catch her by the hand, may need the toilet or something else. Will find an excuse to go and that almost nothing is said. It might be better off if women told each time a man''Jou are screwed up thing a guy when you've done this and that''. Say''You should not have to buy me a drink''. Maybe then men were men? It might also "know"?
What if it is in some way I say? How? You might say body language says a view, holding. Hmmm really? Yes, that is, everything is easy to see if looking at it. View topic of body language. In it I detailed the positive and negative reactions.
How all this take?Now you know that girl all that try and makes nonsense just because they want to you''that''. Now you know that trying anything that you devoted time to time and time and 'respect', and takes into consideration the partners. Now you know how should you deal with her desires. It does so resolutely, readily and