01 - What is the right man without prejudice??

The texts end with''''Be a man, this means''Be a real man'', but the record is a bit shorter. The meaning is the same.
Them all this beautiful, pretty, sexy comes perhaps a''real man''and that if they are lucky.

What it means to be MAN?What means to be a man for men?  
What does it mean for women?  
What does it mean to you?

All of us in some way''we''feeling of what this means. What is interesting is that women have a better idea what he is. Also girls pay more attention to whether someone is a 'real man' or not. Why? Because each of them anxious to get to know one, is in love and spend your whole life (with at least) one. If it is already in love wants to be the man she loves just like that.
Real men are few. Are rare. Women are fighting for them like a flock of hungry pigeons for the last crust of bread. As retired for the last liter of oil. As .... however you understand ... Beautiful girls a lot, especially for us. Beautiful, smart, educated girls is a lot smaller, but still has at least 50 times more than real men! I once watched an interview with the girls from the Pussycat Dolls. They asked them all whether they have a boyfriend, two responded that they have. When asked why no one answered, "Because I need a real man !!!". Otherwise for those who are unaware of this group, they are defined as the most desirable women on our entire planet. This response is not rare and for many other well-known, powerful and beautiful women. Wash a small women's interviews, you'll see it often appears the phrase. Have I caught your attention? I hope to do that.

What girls know who has and who has no real value right man? I think generally they do not even know how to explain but easy in the depths of myself somehow 'know'. Before you become a safe completely questions shall pile of seemingly ordinary, and sometimes rude awkward questions to really convince in its value!
If you ask them, you might be talking mention one or two traits that are most important to them, but they themselves know that man makes a lot more than those few details that''know how''to state.

Hiro Nakamura: A real man is on his way, real men do their stuff. A true hero never refuse an invitation. It is interesting how intertwined the two. Coincidence or not?

Of a true man:
Mental stability: Losses do not shake. And when you experience the crash, either financially or love keeps up on his feet proudly as if nothing had happened. Does not allow to be seen defeated, or in the problem.
Physical stability: Exercise, is aware of your body and health.
Identity: know exactly who and what he does.
Occupation: Is there a hobby, 'thing', occupation, where he devoted all his time. It's his passion.
Movement: always moving towards their goal. Nothing can impede on especially not women.
Took responsibility for themselves, their lives. Do not blame others he has done this or that. Knows that all his decisions with a minute on it.
Tell the truth: It is true that self-esteem. Will tell you about you and listen to it on themselves. Accept the truth about yourself''no''to blink.
Experience: They will gladly listen to people with experience. Know that there are better than him in different areas, even in his favorite, although for her expert, or it will become.
Mentor: Protector of the weak. Mentor less experienced and younger. When you see that someone did not show their potential to the maximum, to help him run it to do so.
Hold the word: Respect yourself and your word. It is an honor, honor.
Neatness: 'Held' yourself, your looks. Maintain their space and their belongings in hygiene.
Maturity: Growing up. Not affected by children's habits like crying , pout, etc.. Accept responsibility for what he did and what is yet to be done and will not switch to another as the children work.
Money: It's just myself, financially independent.
Emotion: Emotionally it is independent from women or other men, and parents. That is why it attracts people around you because it does not rely or''sucks''their emotions or mood.
Courage: We will do what it knows should be done no matter how it is fear, will find in himself the power to do so.
Sex: Sexual is safe and it is clear to see in the works. He is willing to talk freely about sex-in. Happy to deal with it. Connoisseur of good technique.

Real men of Hollywood. Old guard to which they saw the generations. As an example, the model, they have served many and served to honor the entire male gender!

Who are the real men of whom you may have heard?The search to find some universal representatives that all readers know I have found only a few of them.To start the first of Hollywood: There may be separated several actors and the role that they played. Are they in real life like that? Suppose and let's hope they are. These are:Clint Eastwood (Dirty Harry), John Wayne (many hats), George C. Scott (General George Patton), Marlon Brando (Streetcar called Desire).
From actual figures of our time here is to single out Russian President Vladimir Putin (raised the country from the ashes many reforms working for the good of his people). In our much mentioned name is Dr. Jovo Toševski. He is the author of Planet of Women, The Hidden Sexuality and more similar. All are on the subject of male female relationships in which show a huge knowledge and understanding the actual relationship of masculinity and relating in a marriage. I sincerely recommend his books.
I would single out a few people with entertainment and a few politicians, but because the people here but about politics and music, and "without being drunk," will be enough to say that among them there is at least 2-3''right man''. Only to be pry a little better and hear what and how to talk, compare them honestly with a list of features and come to a conclusion.
Now that you know, the applicationThis is a list. This is ideal behavior. Behavior makes the man and all we see and evaluate people by how they behave. Why is this important This much just on this site? Because this is the ideal man and the constant quest by women. Because real men do not need games, tricks. They simply are. Because it is the culmination of reach for many men. 99% of them unfortunately will never be for reasons of laziness, lack of faith in themselves or because of the dominant other bad qualities. Will be developed. Will not become what we know deep in them that they were meant to be destined to have. If only find strength ...
A real man is one over which women are ready to leave the job, city, country, career and to devote themselves completely. They are ready to accompany him to the end of the world and back. There is nothing not able to do them because he is an eternal fantasy. About his movies were filmed. On them are written poems, stories, fairy tales.He wakes up in the women their deepest and truest most sincere, be the primordial fire to piles of wood that are inherent in it. By virtue of being a woman! I think it would be much less "flight" to the second team by the women when it would be more qualified, strong men.

Do you think she has a chance at a real man? Will he estimated, pry well, examine it, see how he is next to it before he decides to just one? You think he has only one female, and''may or may not be in it''? Do you think for himself on the right choice, situation, and based on that choose the one that he likes? Do you think that you need features that I have listed above? Why are these necessary? Because of girls because of you alone?
What next with this information?I know for a guy who has devoted one week each of these traits. He has been actively working on it. Worked on it. What is interesting is that, in addition to becoming much more attractive, during the last few weeks of personal training unexpectedly signed contracts with firms which have to this point consistently refused. Strange coincidence or not? Check and