How to have good sex?

When you're with a girl, at the very beginning you need to not think about sex. It takes slow steps to explore what girl wants. She wants sex, that's for sure, but does not want to get it right away, because that would mean that it is easy and almost always available. 
I am as I write this blog, and all the experience, I was without words for the woman-girl. Various experiments, I came to some interesting conclusions. 

In particular you can say about my current relationship

This connection is based on casual sex, you both have time, than once a month to several times a week and so for more than a year. The girl was alone and I am her first real boyfriend. At the beginning of a relationship, when I wanted to play with her ​​vagina, whether with fingers or tongue. Her comment was: "You do not have to do, because I will not thee." I replied that I do love to do. To this day, has not objected, and each time was much enjoyed. Time went by, and seeing all of our completed the same order. A lot of kissing, my attention and sex. She undertook nothing, except that her hands were going mainly for my back. I felt it was time to change something. Who but I will, after all someone has to keep playing.
There was also the night when I was not the mood and lack of willingness to have sex, he decided to boycott the film. That evening I showed her that I am not "easy" targets. I decided to play the game. when the evening began, and the story has turned into kisses. What does that mean? Quite simply, let your punishment for only one free hand goes over her body, but only on the back. Very soon you will feel that she started to cuddle you. You slowly with fingers pass over the erogenous zones.

Erogenous zones are the same 90% of cases. These are the parts behind the ears, abdomen, back parts (but you have to find them, because they are different for each girl), thigh also can be very tempting to touch, and especially to the fingertips, abdomen, .... explore and listen to react , watch every part of her body. Pat is just enough to be attacked, but that can not be satisfied. Make a break, see if the reaction has no effect, then repeat the game, but a little different. Explore what she likes and what feels good.

So, I just cuddle and my genitals So, I pressed on to it. She had no choice but to move and her hands all over my body and then the penis. Although the girl had not experienced, and knows how to deal with the penis, over time the professional mastered the material, and with my sighs and comments, I began to apply what I like and what I enjoy.
Tonight I experienced the best that I have sex or making love, as some say. From 3 hours in her apartment, it was 2.5 hours of pampering and sex in several poses. In the past year, we only practiced missionary posture, and tonight it was felt from several angles, which had previously said that she did not try. 

It was down to provide small attention to her and play with it. Today I am proud to claim that she loves my cock, she loves it in her mouth and hands, because if you look at that I was only 1-2 times for the whole evening playing with her ​​vagina and she with my penis and up to 8 times. If you play this game, then you will be returned to repeatedly in the form of enjoyment. 

The game also begin to see if it blocks your hands on some parts of her body. Do not make insulting to apply the tactics but not interest. Play a game with her constantly, eventually you will surely win.

Be a man