This is a story of acceptance, the lighting, burning, creating excitement for her, the emotions they want to feel the (much) you. These emotions are seen by romantic movies. Women are regularly recognized by the romantic novels or movies like 'Gone With The Wind', which literally "eat". Why? Because so many women, so, so eager to these emotions, the experiences of the heart that their main topic on TV, novels, conversations, dreams.What we most important thing is that so few women experienced, felt, sincere and deep inside the lancinating love like a flame, or flamenco dance that all this has become a myth, an urban legend for many girls. Something like "vase with buried treasure." Their treasures, which probably never find one.
Secret of good girls approaching
Everyone knows that there are those who approach the girls and that they have their own tricks, techniques, secret ways to attract girls themselves. Some of them do it instantly and others it takes a few hours or few days. What is common is that they know how to access one of the girls that hardly anyone else succeeds. What? Emotions. They may be in them the primordial fire, excite them, among them girls feel and feel alive. All who approach the girls have come up with ways to do it somehow. How? Exercise, looking at others, and experiments that are really interesting coincidence.
Interesting is the fact that the vast number of inventions of our civilization came to pure chance. One is the X-ray. As with all new things first fell catastrophic errors such as radiation on humans for fun fairs. People initially thought that the X-ray harmless toy. Today these mistakes corrected, and now it's used properly. Why mention the bugs? Because you will make mistakes. Mistakes can happen to the best or at least much happened and why they are the best. Now almost all do well. It is a matter of experience.
Know the tricks which working professionals just waiting to start running to you. The question is timing. This is far more important (time). For example, when I first tried a teaser I had a catastrophic failure. A week later I learned that the girl is trying to addict and was not just her that evening. Encouraged by this I went back to try the same teaser and failed ..... again (a little less disastrous). I began to doubt the technique. My gosh, I guess I will not in themselves to doubt? Well I'm vain and female flies before:). I think things over a bit and somehow decided to try another technique many times ..... and ruin, ruin, destruction, and again ... you guessed it, fail. In the end I completely stopped working teaser, I gave up on it. I accidentally performed some 2 weeks later and began broadcasting. I started to laugh, "a madman who is" on the spot. I had barely pulled out of that situation. Almost mess again ... hahahaahah